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Hudlege Kjetil Guldbakke
Bestill time til overlege Kjetil Guldbakke online eller på telefon 22 03 21 00.
Hudlege Kjetil Guldbakke
Hudlege Kjetil Guldbakke er utdannet ved Harvard Medical School, Royal College of Surgeons og St. Olavs universitetssykehus, og er fagansvarlig for hudseksjonen til Lommelegen. Han er en av Norges mest erfarne innen laserbehandling av hudproblemer samt bruk av Botox mot rynker og svette.
Tilbyr ved Oslo Hudlegesenter:
- Laserbehandling av pigmentflekker, sprengte blodkar i ansiktet, arr etter akne og aldersflekker.
- Fjerning av alle typer utvekster i huden som skin tags, spider nevi, cherry angiomer, penile papler og xanthelasmer.
- Botox mot svette og rynker.
Publikasjoner innen hudsykdommer
- Khachemoune A, Guldbakke KK, Ehrsam E. Infantile perineal protrusions. J Am Acad Dermatol. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2006 Jun;54(6):1046-9.
- Khachemoune A, Guldbakke KK. Self-Assessment examination of the American Academy of Dermatology: Woman with recurrent pruritic lesions on the torso. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2006 May;54(5): 925-928.
- Guldbakke KK, Khachemoune A. Self-Assessment examination of the American Academy of Dermatology: Woman with superficial erosions. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2006 May;54(5): 928-930.
- Guldbakke KK, Rodriguez C, Khachemoune A. Self Assessment examination: Woman with translucent to yellow papules. Guldbakke KK, Rodriguez C, Khachemoune A. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2006 July 55(1): 189-191.
Dermatologic Surgery - Guldbakke KK, Schanbacher CF. Disseminated intravascular coagulation unmasked by Mohs micrographic surgery. 2006 May;32(5):760-4.
- Tolland JP, Brenn T, Guldbakke KK et al. Mohs micrographic surgery, sentinel lymph node mapping, and estrogen receptor analysis for the treatment of malignant nodular hidradenoma. Dermatol Surg. 2006 Oct;32(10):1294-301.
- Guldbakke KK. Brodsky J, Liang M et al. Human papillomavirus typ 73 in primary and recurrent periungual squamous cell carcinoma. Dermatol Surg. 2008 Mar;34(3):407-13. Epub 2008 Jan 31.
- Holzmann RD, Guldbakke KK, Schanbacher CF. Bilateral advancement flaps with helical rim Z-plasty modification for management of ear defects. Dermatol Surg. 2008 Mar;34(3):374-7; discussion 377. Epub 2008 Jan 7
Journal of Drugs in Dermatology - Guldbakke KK, Khachemoune A. Crusted Scabies: A Clinical Review. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. 2006 Mar;5(3): 221-7.
- Sachse MM, Khachemoune A, Guldbakke KK, Kirschfink M. Hereditary angioedema. J Drugs Dermatol. 2006 Oct;5(9):848-52.
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology (JEADV) - Sachse MM, Guldbakke KK, Khachemoune A. Tunga Penetrans – A stowaway from around the world. Eur J Derm. (Akseptert, avventer publikasjon)
International Journal of Dermatology - Guldbakke KK, Khachemoune A. Calciphylaxis. Int J Dermatol. 2007 Mar;46(3):231-8.
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology - Guldbakke KK, Khachemoune A, Deng A et al. Naevus comedonicus: a spectrum of body involvement. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2007 May 17; [Epub ahead of print]
Skin & Aging - Guldbakke KK, Ehrsam E, Khachemoune A. What caused this intense pruritus? Case presentation and review: Bullous pemphigoid. Skin & Aging. 2005 May; 13(5) 63-66.
- Guldbakke KK, Khachemoune A. What caused this eruption? Case presentation and review: Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP). Skin & aging 2005 July; 13(7) 78-82.
- Shahbaz AJ, Guldbakke KK, Khachemoune A. What caused this crusted plaque? Case presentation and review: Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. Skin & Aging. 2005 August; 13(8) 82-86.
- Guldbakke KK, Sabrina G, Khachemoune A. Idiopathic scrotal calcinosis. Skin & aging. 2005 October; 13(10) 100-104.
- Atassi MB, Guldbakke KK, Ehrsam E et al. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Skin & aging. 2005 November; 13 (11) 88-92.
- Guldbakke KK, Rashid MR, Khachemoune A. Zoons balanitis. Skin and aging. 2006. October; 14(10) 80-86.
- Guldbakke KK, Shabaz AJ, Rashid MR et al. Ashy Dermatosis. Skin & aging. 2006. December; 14(12) 60-64.
Cutis - Khachemoune A, Guldbakke KK, Ehrsam E. Pemphigus foliaceus: A Case report and a short review. Cutis. 2006 Aug;78(2):105-10.
- Guldbakke KK, Millina C, Thompson TR. New lesions on the knees with palmoplantar keratoderma.Cutis. 2007 Jan;79(1):55-6, 63.
- Shabaz AJ, Khachemoune A, Guldbakke KK. What is the cause of this discoloration? A white forelock family. Piebaldism. Cutis. (Akseptert, avventer publikasjon)
- Guldbakke KK, Khachemoune A. Etiology, classification, and treatment of urticaria. Cutis. 2007 Jan;79(1):41-9.
- Khachemoune A, Janjua SA, Guldbakke KK. Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus: A case report and a review of the literature. Cutis. 2006 Oct;78(4):261-7.
Journal of Family Practice - Khachemoune A, Guldbakke KK. A girl with scaly skin plaques. The Journal of family practice. 2005 Nov; (11): 947-51.
Dermatology Nursing - Guldbakke KK, Khachemoune A. Classification and Treatment of Urticaria: A Brief Review. Dermatol Nurs. 2005 Oct; 17 (5) 361-365.
- Guldbakke KK, Khachemoune A. Dermographism. Dermatol Nurs. 2006 Jun;18(3):263.
- Guldbakke KK, Khachemoune A. Guttate psoriasis. Dermatol Nurs. 2006 Aug;18(4):369.
The Core Content Review of Family Medicine - Guldbakke KK, Khachemoune A. Urticaria. The Core Content Review of Family Medicine. 2005 Oct; 36 (7) 257-259.
- Khachemoune A, Guldbakke KK. Psoriasis and Biologics. The Core Content Review of Family Medicine. 2005 Oct; 36 (7) 248-251.
Archives of Dermatology - Guldbakke KK, Huldt-Nystrøm T, Mjønes P. An unusual case of palmoplantar keratoderma. Arch Dermatol. 2010 Dec;146(12):1419-24.
Tidsskriftet for Den norske legeforening - Guldbakke KK, Rørdam OM, Huldt-Nystrøm T, Hanssen HK, Høivik F. Propranolol used in treatment of infantile hemangioma. Tidskr Nor Laegeforen. 2010 Sep 23;130(18):1822-4.
- Rørdam OM, Guldbakke K. Rhinophyma: big problem, simple solution. Acta Derm Venerol. 2011 Mar;91(2):188-9
Poster presentasjon
- “Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation unmasked by Mohs micrographic surgery”. Presentert på: The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery & the American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology combined annual meeting i Atlanta, 28 Oktober, 2005.
- ASDS meeting 2011. Prevention of Surgical Site infection Using 2-octylcyanoacrylate following mohs micrographic surgery. Guldbakke KK, Decker A, Nelson A, Schanbacher CS.
- Guillen S, Khachemoune A. Pemphigus vulgaris: a short review for the practitioner. Dermatol Nurs. 2007 Jun;19(3):269-72.
- Aldraibi MS, Touma DJ, Khachemoune A. Hair removal with the 3-msec alexandrite laser in patients with skin types IV-VI: efficacy, safety, and the role of topical corticosteroids in preventing side effects. J Drugs Dermatol. 2007 Jan;6(1):60-6.
Bestill time til Hudlege Kjetil Guldbakke ved Oslo Hudlegesenter online eller på telefon 22 03 21 00